RM Office Contact Info
Chief Administrative Officer: Linda Klimm
Tel: 306-497-2282
Fax: 306- 497-2423
R.M. Email Address rm434@sasktel.net
Assistant Administrator – Alan Tanchak
Administrative Assistant – Autumn Parchewski
Email Address assistant434@sasktel.net
Office Address: 118 Main Street, Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan
Mailing Address
Box 38, Blaine Lake, Sask. S0J 0J0
Regular Office Hours
- Open 9:00am – 4:00pm Monday to Friday
- Closed for lunch daily from 12:00 – 1:00pm;
- Closed on Weekends and Statutory Holidays.

Public Works
Public Works Administrator: (Vacant)
Tel: 306-497-3113
Fax: 306- 497-2423
*Please call the Administrator to make an appointment, before visiting the RM Shop*
Grader Operator: Mark Curry, Morris Woytiuk
Public Works Mailing Address:
Box 38, Blaine Lake, Sask. S0J 0J0
Regular Public Works Hours:
- 7:00 am-5:00 pm Mon- Fri (Apr 1-Oct 31)
- 7:00 am-5:00 pm Mon-Thur (Nov 1-Mar 31)
- Closed on Weekends and Statutory Holidays.
If you have already signed up, simply log in and make the payment.
You will need your customer number, as found on your tax notice, for your “account number”.
Telpay 1-800-665-0302
Our Biller Code: 008945