Establishment of a Purchasing Policy
Public Notice is hereby given that the RM of Blaine Lake #434 intends to consider the establishment of a Purchasing
Public Notice is hereby given that the RM of Blaine Lake #434 intends to consider the establishment of a Purchasing
Public Notice is hereby given that the RM of Blaine Lake #434 intends to consider the adoption of a bylaw
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the RM of Blaine Lake #434 intends to close the short road at the
Custom Work Waiver Here
During the November 7th 2019 Regular meeting, a motion was carried to have: “the RM Office closed to the public
Rural Municipality of Blaine Lake No. 434 PUBLIC NOTICE – ROAD CLOSURE Please Note – A Public Meeting shall be
The RM of Blaine Lake #434 Office will be closed during the week of November 11-15 for training & development